Post-Installation Engineering

NETCOR provides several services for existing or newly installed structures. These include:


Existing Corrosion Control systems often are applied to structures and facilities that undergo significant changes at some time after the initial design and installation of the Corrosion Control system. NETCOR engineers can provide a full range of services to address the unique needs and challenges of adapting existing systems to changing services. In many cases, the existing system can be supplemented to accommodate the changing system requirements in a cost effective manner with minimal changes. In other cases, retrofitting the existing system with new anode assemblies designed for higher current output and longer life is the best solution. NETCOR engineers can perform a cost benefit analysis to help the client determine the best solution for each particular application.


Stray DC current from impressed current Corrosion Control systems can cause accelerated corrosion rates on unintended foreign structures resulting in rapid failure. NETCOR engineers and technicians can perform stray current testing for good neighbor clients with existing Corrosion Control systems or for clients concerned about foreign Corrosion Control systems that might be impacting their facilities. A thorough stray current evaluation can be performed eliminating concerns and potential liabilities. Should stray current be found to be a problem, NETCOR engineers can evaluate and make appropriate recommendations to eliminate or minimize stray current effects.


High voltage AC and DC current carrying transmission lines, including those found on DC transit systems, can induce current on nearby structures. This current can travel along the surface of the structure until jumping off the structure to the nearest ground connection. NETCOR engineers are experienced with the latest PRCI and other proprietary AC and DC Interference modeling software tools. NETCOR can design both monitoring systems to test for stray current pickup and mitigation systems to minimize the impact of AC and DC stray current.